Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So it's been a long TIME since I've blogged. There are TIMEs when I just don't feel like writing anything, or feel like we've done anything worth blogging or taking pictures of. It's nearly April which means we have about 4 full months left in Virginia Beach. I know the TIME here will go quickly but at the same TIME I feel like it is dragging on. It's probably because the summer attractions aren't open, and the plans we have for family visits haven't commenced yet. I'm sure once all of that gets going, the TIME will start to fly. I am ready to start setting more concrete plans for our move. We did our overseas screening yesterday which means we can submit to Military Personnel that we are all healthy enough to go overseas. They will then cut us paper orders which will allow us to start booking flights and making travel plans! As much as I'd like to have a break from TIME and its many constraints, it seems as though TIME has our number and is calling it constantly.

So here's what Alex did with some of his TIME last night (yay vaseline!)

And here's what happens when you move a little too quickly (and have a big brother behind you to fall on top of you after you fall)

And the slideshow is what we did with some of our TIME last weekend at the Virginia Living Museum. We're trying to go to some of these local attractions before it's TIME to move :)

p.s. I don't know why some of the pictures in the slideshow won't work. I think if you click on the slideshow where it says view all images, you'll be able to see them all.

1 comment:

  1. oh man, daniel in that turtle shell is one of the funniest things i've seen in a long time. awesome.


Easter Weekend

Virginia Living Museum

Raleigh Slideshow


New Year's

Christmas 2009

Tacky Light Tour

December 2009

November 2009

Time with the boys

Roatan, Honduras

Grand Cayman





October 2009