Monday, April 19, 2010

What a week!

My mom and brother were able to come from Denver to visit this past week and we sure made the most of our time together.

Saturday- After picking them up from the airport and grilling on our new Weber Q, we went to the park.

Sunday- Sunday was a typical one for me including the choir singing, conducting in sacrament meeting and teaching a Relief Society lesson. After all that and a nap for Alex we walked over to Chix Beach and enjoyed some sand castle building.

(Cade and Mommy's footprints)

Monday- After enjoying the Chix Beach so much the day before we decided to venture over to Sandbridge Beach. Unfortunately it was a bit windy and a little chilly, which made for some great kite flying, but a grumpy Alex.

Tuesday- We left bright and early for a 10:00 boat tour in Newport News. It was another chilly day out on the water but the tour was awesome. You got to see the harbour, Ft. Wool, and all of the ships docked at Norfolk Naval Station. The coolest part was Ft. Wool. Have you ever seen this on your way into the HRBT?

I always wondered what it was and now I've been on it! It was a civil war-era man made island meant for defense of the area, but it was poorly constructed and didn't function as well as intended.


This is how Alex was most of the cruise.

Also, Tuesday was the day that Dan got home from his conference in Tampa. Having family in town meant that we could have a date! We ate dinner at Fire & Vine and then enjoyed the movie Date Night together.

Wednesday- After a workout in the morning-- which my mom beat me at the challenge!-- we had a mother daughter day. We truly shopped until we couldn't shop anymore. Thrift stores, antique stores, the mall and dinner together. It was great just to spend some time with her without anyone asking for wife, mom or grandma. Thanks Uncle Kevin and Dan for watching the kids that day!

Thursday- Williamsburg. Need I say more? Being only 1 hour from such a historical area, how could you not go? We started at the Yankee Candle Factory, which I highly recommend to everyone. Then we made our way into the colonial williamsburg to view some sights and see the shops. It was a long but fun day.

Santa reading Cade a story!

Alex found the Candy :)


Alex and Cade making their own candles

Friday- And it was all leading up to this one day, at least in Cade's mind. It was birthday party day! Cleaning, cake decorating and thomas decorations adorned the house. A bunch of his guy friends from church came and filled the place with more energy than kids on Christmas morning! I told everyone it was a fast and crazy party with pizza eating, shirt making, balloon popping, prize getting, present opening, and cake eating! We had a blast.

Saturday- It was unfortunately time for Grandma and Uncle to go home so we gave them a tour of where Dan works, got lunch, and sent them on their way. We had a great time and are so lucky to have them in our lives. We love and miss you!


  1. Wow! It looks like a fun-filled week! First of all, the cake looks great. And how did you make the shirts? They're adorable! Secondly, you can WALK to the beach? How cool! How do you go there and not have to go in the water? My kids are maniacs at the beach. I can't keep them out of the water.

  2. Looks like a fun week! Are you exhausted? I love the look on your face when you are holding Alex on the cruise- like "I've had enough of this, okay?"
    That is my default face these days.

    Wish I could've been there....

  3. Kiersten- We live about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile from the beach, but at this time of year the water is way too cold to get in. In a few months it will be great!

    Val- I'm definitely exhausted but as always it was well worth the late nights and early mornings. Wish you could've been here too!

  4. I LOVE Williamsburg and LOVE that we live so close to all these historic places. Looks like you had a fun week with family!

  5. What a fun week you had! I bet it was so great to spend time with them before you leave! Good thing your back wasn't out that week! ;) Hope it gets feeling better soon!


Easter Weekend

Virginia Living Museum

Raleigh Slideshow


New Year's

Christmas 2009

Tacky Light Tour

December 2009

November 2009

Time with the boys

Roatan, Honduras

Grand Cayman





October 2009