Wednesday, February 17, 2010

To Raleigh and Back

When some friends of ours asked us if we'd like to do a temple trip down to Raleigh with them we were very excited to oblige. The plan was to watch eachother's kids while trading sessions. Then upon looking at the calendar we realized that Dan had the following Monday off for President's day, and since he had a nephew that lives not far from the temple, we made a trip of it. We drove down Friday night and got in town just in time for the snow to start. Our friends drove down the next morning and caught snow coming out of Virginia Beach. They ended up being a little late for our 9:00 session and so we adjusted our plans a bit.

After our trip to the temple we got to hang out with Dan's nephew and his wife, Gerrie and Sarah. Gerrie is in the Army so the guys got to talk Army talk all weekend. We enjoyed playing some Guitar Hero, Quelf, and playing with their two dogs JRiley and Trigger. The boys took some time to warm up to the dogs, but they were very good mannered puppies. We even had a surprise when we went to church on Sunday. Dan's old bishop from back in Kentucky was now living in that area and happened to come to that ward! It was great for Dan and them to reminisce.

All in all it was a smooth trip. Both car trips went without any tantrums and were full of long naps. Hooray!

Oh, and I just had to post this video of Alex. He said the dinner prayer last night (without being prompted) and has been saying prayers all day so I had to get a shot of him doing it!


  1. Thank you for sharing, it looks like everyone had a great time!

  2. Great pics from your trip. Looked like so much fun! Loved Alex's prayer! So sweet! And your food looks really good! You guys are so good about eating your carrots! That is the one vegetable that I struggle with, is cooked carrots, raw carrots I'm fine with. weird. But you go girl!


Easter Weekend

Virginia Living Museum

Raleigh Slideshow


New Year's

Christmas 2009

Tacky Light Tour

December 2009

November 2009

Time with the boys

Roatan, Honduras

Grand Cayman





October 2009