Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Martha who?

Dan has requested that we reduce the number of carbohydrates that are ingested in this house, and to be sure I heard him correctly I said, "What! Are you crazy?" We have been eating healthier for at least the last year, but everything was well balanced with some rice, potatoes, rolls... (i'm getting sad just typing this). Finding and trying new recipes is something I've always enjoyed doing, but now I'm on the hunt for good low-carb ones. We've been at it for a couple of weeks now and our meals are turning out so good that I'm gonna share with you! Breakfast usually consists of eggs in one way shape or form, yogurt, fruit, etc. Lunch for me generally has some carbs in it otherwise I might DIE. Dan has an apple, fiber bar, slimfast, or yogurt. Then dinner is meat and veggies. I've even made a fish dish once a week.

This week's fish dish was an Island Spiced Salmon. I TOTALLY bought the wrong cut and type of salmon (that's how little I know about fish), but it still turned out alright and I still ate it, which is the true miracle. This is what Cade thought of the salmon.

Tonight was the first meal we've taken a picture of. I made Swiss Turkey Tenderloin strips.

Dan and I both discovered that we don't like turkey as much as we should, that I still love spinach, that Dan still loathes spinach, that carrots are yummy, and that the cheese sauce this recipe made is divine and fondue worthy.

I'm enjoying trying all of these new things, and the carb-free meals are working great for Dan and his goals for weight and such, but I still need me some carbs. I hide snacks and get things when I'm out with friends that I couldn't have otherwise. Who knew how much a lack of carbs could affect my mood!! :)

Oh and here's a cute pic of Alex just for fun. He was loving playing peek-a-boo!


  1. You guys are soooo good! We keep talking about eating healthier but it hasn't happened yet! I am too lazy to do meal plans. Bad wife!

  2. Way to go! You guys are doing awesome! Low carb is really hard! I get really cranky too. Cut pics of Alex and Cade!


Easter Weekend

Virginia Living Museum

Raleigh Slideshow


New Year's

Christmas 2009

Tacky Light Tour

December 2009

November 2009

Time with the boys

Roatan, Honduras

Grand Cayman





October 2009